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Parochial officers

Constables are elected for a 1 – 3 year term. It is compulsory for a Constable to serve one year. In order to ensure continuity, it is recommended that, as far as possible, six months shall elapse between the election of one Constable and the election of a new colleague.

Eligibility:  Candidates must be 18 years of age or over and must not subject to any legal disability, having had his/her residence in Guernsey for a period of 2 years immediately prior to the date of nomination or for a period or periods of at least 5 years in the aggregate at any time before that date, and being ordinarily resident at the time of his/her nomination in the parish in which he/she is nominated for office. A Constable shall hold office for so long as he/she continues to reside in the parish.

Douzeniers are elected for a maximum 4 year term. The Douzaine comprises 20 members who retire on a rota basis. Elections are held on the first Wednesday of November annually (except when that day falls on Bonfire Night – 5th November - when any election will take place on the Thursday following. Eligibility is as above.

If a Constables or Douzenier dies, ceases to reside in the Parish or is discharged from office by the Royal Court, the resulting casual vacancy shall be filled by an election (if it occurred more than 5 whole months before the end of the term of office vacated). A person elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office vacated.

Deans of the Douzaine:  The Dean (Doyen) is usually the longest serving member. A Dean is the Returning Officer for the election of Constables and Overseers of the Poor. He/she is therefore Chairperson when Electors meet for this purpose. The Dean also presides at the Parish Meeting dealing with secular matters. In his/her absence, a chairperson shall be appointed by and from among those Electors and Ratepayers present.

Procureur of the Poor:  The Procureur of the Poor in St. Peter Port administers a private fund at his discretion and is elected every two years at the November Parish Meeting. 

Schools Committee Members:  There are three Schools Committees in the Parish:

Baubigny Schools, La Mare de Carteret and Amherst Vauvert Schools Committee. Term of Office – 3 years. If a member is unable to complete his/her term of office, a replacement shall be elected to complete the unexpired term.

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