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Parish meetings

Parish meetings are convened by the Rector & Churchwardens for ecclesiastical business and by the Constables & Douzaine for secular business. Two main meetings are held each year – the spring meeting (March, April or May) and one at the end of the year in November. Other meetings are convened as the need arises.

The Rector or his delegate presides for the ecclesiastical business. The Dean of the Douzaine or his delegate presides for the secular business.

Decisions can only be reached or voted on if an item has appeared in the Publication setting out the agenda. There can be no ‘any other business’, other than allowing an Elector or Ratepayer to voice an opinion or request which will subsequently be considered by the Douzaine and brought back to a future Parish Meeting after proper publication of the proposition.

Spring Meeting
Budget requirements for the year’s expenses to be raised by means of Occupier’s Rate.
Budget requirements for the collection and disposal of household refuse.
Approval of the Tresor Account, Constables and other various accounts.

November Meeting
Business for the Electors & Ratepayers:

  • Appointment of Auditors for various accounts.
  • Election of a People’s Warden (when applicable).
  • To fix the hour at which Parish Meetings shall be held during the next year.

Business for the Electors only:

  • Elections of Constables, Douzeniers, Procureur of the Poor are usually held at the November meeting.


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