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Floral St Peter Port

About the Floral St Peter Port Group
The Constables of St Peter Port formed the Floral St Peter Port Group in 2006 with the directive to enhance and promote St Peter Port’s floral beauty, thereby creating a capital that is appealing to all.

Since 2006, the Floral Group with support of sponsorship, volunteers, schools and St Peter Port residents have created a Capital that used to be a blank canvas into a wonderful array of colour, worthy of any masterpiece.

PHOTO CREDIT: Chris George


However, unlike a finished masterpiece, St Peter Port is forever changing and this brings greater challenges year on year.

This is why, it is so important that the parishioners and businesses collaborate with the Floral Group in continuing to improve the Parish of St Peter Port by participating in competitions, sponsorship and having pride in the parish.

PHOTO CREDIT: Chris George

In 2016 we were delighted to win a GOLD award in the Coastal Town category of the Britain in Bloom competition. It also means that we were invited to enter the Champion of Champions competition in 2017.

Much work needs to be done if we are to stand a chance of winning and we hope to welcome many parishioners, donning gardening gloves and secateurs to help us achieve our goal!

Thank you for your continued support.

Floral St Peter Port Group

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