Blue BagTins, Cans, Plastic Bottles, Pots, Tubs, Trays, Foil, Milk, Juice Cartons
The parish own / maintain a number of properties, brief listing below. Please contact the parish team directly if you require further details of a particular location.
Constables Office (image above)
Brock Road Gardens
Rohais Plantation
Rohais Pump
Rohais Abreuvoir
Green Lanes Verges
Cambridge Park
Look-Out, Blue Mountains
Bruce Lane Car Park
Granite Arch, Well Road
Candie Cemetery
Rue des Frères Cemetery
Strangers' Cemetery
Bordage Pissoir (image above)
College Street Pump
Les Hubits Abreuvoir
Un-named lane off Paris Street
Town Church (image above)
Rue de Pre Pump
Park Street Pump (image above)
Lower Mount Durand Pump
Off George Street Pump
Union Street Pump
Upper Mount Durand Pump (image above)
Mansell Street Pump (image above)
Trinity Square Pump (image above)
Church Square Pump
Market Street Pump
Couperderie Pump
Hauteville Pump (image above)
Bruce Lane Pump
Doyle Road Pump
Mount Row (East) Pump
Lefebvre Street Pump (image above)
Le Pollet Pump (image above)
Smith Street Pump
St. Julians Avenue Pump
Vauvert Site / Archway Pump
P.F. Fountain Archway
La Ramee Abreuvoir
Coutanchez Abreuvoir