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Dogs in public

Under the Control of Dogs Ordinance, dogs are prohibited at all times from children’s play areas. They are excluded altogether from the bathing pools at La Vallette and from specified public sports and playing fields, unless under close supervision. Similarly, dogs are prohibited from certain areas of St. Peter Port, unless on a lead and under close supervision. In St. Peter Port, these areas are:

  • High Street
  • Church Square
  • Commercial Arcade
  • Market Hill
  • Market Street
  • Mill Street
  • Mansell Street
  • Contrée Mansell
  • Mansell Court
  • Le Bordage
  • Fountain Street
  • Smith Street
  • Le Pollet
  • North Pier Steps
  • The venelles from High Street to the Quay
  • Quay Street
  • Cow Lane
  • La Vallette (Bathing Pools)

And all the roads, quays, jetties and walks of the Harbour. Also children’s play areas, namely:

  • Beau Sejour
  • Cambridge Park
  • Courtil St. Jacques

N.B. Certain dogs are exempted from the above - guide dogs for the blind, hearing dogs for the deaf, police dogs or customs dogs.

Additional legislation excludes dogs from seven of the Island’s beaches for the summer months – i.e. 1st May to 30th September inclusive:

  • Fermain
  • Petit Bôt
  • L’Eree
  • Vazon (northern end)
  • Port Soif
  • Cobo
  • L’Ancresse/Pembroke

In Herm, dogs are also excluded from Shell Beach, Belvoir Bay, Fisherman’s Beach and the stretch of beach in front of the White House Hotel to the Herm Harbour jetty.

All areas are clearly signposted.

Treading in dog mess is unpleasant and unhealthy, as is the job of clearing it off shoes and clothing. Those who choose not to clear up after “man’s best friend” (which in itself is an offence in law) increase the risk to public health. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law may lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1000.

Toxocara is a parasitic roundworm found naturally in both dogs and cats, requiring them to be wormed frequently. Humans can contract toxocariasis by accidentally swallowing mature toxocara eggs which, when hatched in the intestine, can enter the blood stream and progress into body tissues. One major symptom is visual impairment or, in the extreme, blindness. Other symptoms range from dizziness and nausea to asthma and epileptic fits.


The Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure provides dog-litter bins in public places. In addition, dog owners may deposit dog faeces in general public litter bins as long as they are carefully wrapped to avoid the risk of transmission of disease.

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