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Bornements and permissions:  These are required to erect a building or to re-erect on old foundations within 1.5m from any public road or way. The word “building” includes any well, cistern, cesspit, cellar or other excavation below surface level (whether containing structure or not) and also any wall, hedge, fence or other structure serving as a boundary or otherwise. This will also include applications to demolish a section of the roadside wall, making good the wall ends and creating car parking areas.

Applications should be made to the Constables, enclosing the following: 

  • a letter giving brief details on what work is being done. 
  • an approved sketch or drawing which must include a site plan showing a North bearing. 
  • copies of your approval from the Environment department and Building Control. 
  • a cheque payable to ‘St. Peter Port Douzaine’ for each application – i.e. if you had a development of, say, five individual houses, this would entail five fees. The current fee for a Bornement is £25.00 per application. 

If any part of the proposed work is within 1.5m of a public road, you will also require permission from Traffic & Highways. However, we will do this on your behalf, but be advised that, by law, Traffic & Highways has up to two weeks to comment on any application, so this may well delay preparation of the document. Any recommendations from the department will form part of your Bornement from the Parish. 

The Constables will view the plan/s and once the actual Bornement is signed, it needs to be endorsed by four members of the Douzaine. This sometimes can take several days to arrange, but every effort is made to process applications as quickly as possible. 

For your information - any Bornement required for properties along the sea front - from the bottom of the Val des Terres to the Weighbridge - are dealt with by the States Trading Supervisory Group to whom you should make application. 

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